Apply for the Exam

Before you take the CFE Exam, your application and supporting documentation must be processed. This includes your CFE Exam application, experience details, three CFE Candidate Recommendation Formsproof of your education, a recent photo and the exam fee.

The cost to take the CFE Exam is $400. If you purchased the CFE Exam Prep Course, a $100 credit on the cost of the CFE Exam fee will be applied, reducing the CFE Exam fee to $300.

We recommend you gather all of your documentation and send it with your CFE Exam application approximately one month before you are ready to take the CFE Exam.

Choose from the following options to apply for the CFE Exam: 

1. Submit your CFE Exam application, CFE Exam Fee and supporting documents online at

2.  Download the PDF version of the CFE Exam application and submit a completed form along with proof of your education,three CFE Candidate Recommendation forms and recent photograph to the Certification Department email to, fax to (512) 276-8180 or by mail to  ACFE Headquarters.

Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Attn: Certification Department
716 West Avenue
Austin, TX 78701 USA.

Once received and processed, a Certification Department team member will contact you to access the Certification Portal to complete the experience details including percentage of time spent on fraud related duties.