Q&A with Frederick Landis, CFE
Frederick Landis, CFE, of California received his CFE credential this past spring by attending a virtual CFE Exam Review Course. Soon after, Landis began to start seeing the benefits of earning the credential. Landis also will be joining us at our ACFE Annual Fraud Conference this year as a speaker on behalf of LexisNexis. When Landis is not working and ready to relax, he enjoys outdoor activities, including sports and barbecuing.
Coach: When did you receive your CFE credential?
Landis: I received my credential on April 5, 2021.
Coach: Please describe your experience of attending the four-day virtual CFE Exam Review Course, and what did you like most about the course?
Landis: The four-day session was a very intense and hands-on experience covering all aspects of fraud. The interaction with instructors and hosts was better than expected, given the virtual environment.
Coach: Did you review the CFE Exam Prep Course prior to attending the course? If so, how often did you study?
Landis: I put in numerous hours of studying utilizing the self-study program and mock tests. Given my work hours, I used many evenings and weekends in preparation for the CFE Exam.
Coach: In what ways do you feel that your new CFE credential will be beneficial to you in your current profession?
Landis I have just begun to see the benefits of earning the CFE credential in my profession. With a constantly changing landscape of fraud threats, having the CFE credential allows me to take a holistic view with a backdrop of law, investigation, transactions, and prevention.
Coach: Would you recommend the Review Course to your colleagues?
Landis: Yes, it is a great way to understand the complete fraud landscape and apply it to the decisions and analyses of fraud-fighting tools, along with presenting critical data for verification and authentication.
Coach: How did you become passionate about fighting fraud?
Landis: With a background in the contact center and CRM (customer relationship management), I have learned that organizations that integrate their fraud strategies with customer experience are more successful in fraud prevention. This is what compels me to help organizations assuage the rising cost of fraud.
Coach: Now that we know what you do professionally, what do you like to do for fun, and what do you find enjoyable about it?
Landis: I enjoy many outdoor activities and sports, including hiking, golf, and working out, and barbecuing numerous types of food.
Coach: Do you have any study tips or suggestions for aspiring CFEs?
Landis: Utilize the tools available and the Prep Course, and tackle the more difficult subjects first.