December 2019

TIP #1 - Switch it up. Switching between subjects is a helpful way to learn the materials for your exams and prevent burnout on one topic, so make sure to switch it up before your eyes glaze over! That way, you can keep studying for longer periods of time while maintaining your focus.

TIP #2 - Prepare yourself. Start your preparation as soon as you receive your study materials. It is important that you allow yourself enough time to go through each section in a reasonable timeframe. Don’t cram at the last minute and not fully understand the materials. Create a study schedule and a timeline. Select days of the week where you can block off times for you to study. A schedule will help you stay on track and study effectively as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #3 - Be sure that you understand the materials. Slowly read through each question so that you understand the meaning of the statement to the best of your ability. If any part of the question is false, then the entire statement is false. However, if part of a statement is true, the entire statement is not necessarily true. Eliminate some choices you know are incorrect, and then relate each remaining answer choice back to the question to see if it fits. Narrow down the choice to one or two alternatives, and then compare them and identify how they are different. Finally, make an informed choice.

ACFE CEO and President Bruce Dorris, offers advice on how to take an active role in studying. The questions on the CFE Exam Prep Course mirror the format of the CFE Exam itself.

TIP #4 - Be confident! Your confidence will positively affect your CFE Exam performance. Once you are obtaining passing results in your studies, picture yourself passing the exam and becoming a CFE!