November 2020

TIP #1 - Understand what you need to know. The CFE Exam will test your knowledge of the four major areas that comprise the fraud examination body of knowledge: “Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes, Law, Investigation, and Fraud Prevention and Deterrence”

TIP #2 - Space out your study sessions. This will allow you to focus on a topic for a short period on different days, which has been shown to improve retention and recall more than massed practice.

TIP #3 - Practice. One of the most effective ways to prepare for the exam is to practice. The more you practice, the more information you will retain. It’s important to have a good understanding of the different concepts, as it assists in your ability to follow the materials. If you would like to research more details to an answer, feel free to research the information in the Fraud Examiners Manual, which is a great resource to use to better understand the concepts.

TIP #4 - Stay on track. Study every day or as frequently as your schedule allows. You should study each section of the CFE Exam Prep Course with a time budget in mind. As you reach milestones on your timeline, you will see yourself moving one step closer to realizing the overall goal—succeeding on the CFE Exam.