June 2020

TIP #1 - App up your studies. The ACFE offers the CFE Exam Flashcard App as an additional study tool. The flashcard app allows you to familiarize yourself with the terminology and concepts covered in the CFE Exam. This app consists of hundreds of flashcards that complement the CFE Exam Prep Course. Android and iOS versions available.

TIP #2 - Create your own strategies. Start your preparation as soon as you receive your study materials. It is important that you allow yourself enough time to go through each section within a reasonable time frame. Don’t cram at the last minute and not fully understand the materials. Create a study schedule and a time line. Select days of the week where you can block off times to study. A schedule will help you stay on track and study effectively as you prepare for the CFE Exam.

TIP #3 - Set a time line for studying. Studying well in advance pays off in the end. The Prep Course includes a time line to remind you of your goal for completing the CFE Exam. The following video shows you how to set your time line.

TIP #4 - Be encouraged by your studies. When you've finished studying, you should feel like you can approach the CFE Exam with confidence—not necessarily that you will get 100% of the answers correct but that you have a good understanding of the information.