Q&A with Darcey Horejsh, CFE
This past spring, Darcey Horejsh took some time off to pursue her goal of becoming a CFE. Horejsh feels that her new CFE credential allows her to stand out from others un he field. Horejsh feels more confident in her role as she continues her passion of helping others and protecting her company from being victimized by fraud. When Horejsh is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
Coach: When did you receive your CFE credential?
Horejsh: I received the official email of congratulations on June 22, 2021.
Coach: Please describe your experience of attending virtual the CFE Exam Review Course, and what did you like most about the Review Course?
Horejsh: I attended the four-day virtual Review Course at the end of May 2021. What I liked best about the course were two things: the fact that it was virtual and I could attend from the comfort of my home.
Coach: Did you review the CFE Exam Prep Course prior to attending the course? If so, how often did you study?
Horejsh: I did a small amount of review prior to attending the course. I did the Pre-Assessment to determine where I was at in each of the various topics and where needed to focus more of my attention/study efforts. My daily routine for the course started in the morning. I logged in, listened to the course speakers, and followed along in the workbooks, . During the lunch break I would take a Practice Exam for that topic, then in the afternoon after lunch, I would finish out the session listening and following along in the workbooks. At the end of the day’s session, I would break for dinner and then review my notes from the day, do some practice questions, and then proceed with the exam on that section. This seemed to work well for me and I was successful! It’s a long four days but very well worth it!
Coach: In what ways do you feel that your new CFE credential will be beneficial to you in your current profession?
Horejsh: I feel that the CFE credential allows me to stand out from others in my department by showing that I have additional education as it relates to the fraud industry. I feel it also helped me learn additional topics related to fraud/exams that I may not have otherwise learned in my current role due to my role responsibilities.
Coach;: Would you recommend the Review Course to your colleagues?
Horejsh: Yes, I will recommend the Review Course! Absolutely!
Coach: How did you become passionate about fighting fraud?
Horejsh: I became passionate because I saw the devastation it can do to victims of scams of fraud. I also have a curious mind as to the reason why fraudsters do what they do and how they do it. Fraud is too prevalent in today’s world and it is very scary, and I am passionate about helping others and protecting my company from being a victim.
Coach: Now that we know what you do professionally, what do you like to do for fun, and what do you find enjoyable about it?
Horejsh: I like to spend time with family and friends. I am a huge animal/dog lover, so I spend time helping out dog rescues for dogs available for adoption. I enjoy the great Arizona weather and being outdoors, which is a change from growing up in the Midwest and the super cold winters!
Coach: Do you have any study tips or suggestions for aspiring CFEs?
Horejsh: If you are on the fence about taking the CFE Exam, go for it! Not everyone is aware, but if you fail the test, that is okay. You can take the test again! I was hesitant as I generally get test anxiety, but the way the Review Course was structured really helped with the test taking. It was well worth the time and effort spent to obtain my CFE.