Q&A with Cynthia Merchant, CFE
Cynthia Merchant of New Jersey recently became a CFE after attending a CFE Review Course in New York this past fall. Merchant is in the investigation field and she feels that now that she is a CFE, she’s properly trained and have an often required accreditation. Read more about Merchant below.
Coach: When did you receive your CFE credential?
Merchant: I took the tests for the CFE certification on October 18-21, 2021. I received my physical certificate on December 4th.
Coach: Please describe your experience of attending the four-day CFE Exam Review Course and what did you like most about the course?
Merchant: I am a visual learner. Having the instructors explain things and tell us what to focus on in our study guides was very helpful. It also helped that I could ask the instructors questions on points I still had questions about or that were unclear. The instructors were very approachable.
Coach: Please describe your experience of taking the CFE Exam each day after class.
Merchant: Having done it this way, I wouldn’t do it any other way. The material was fresh in my brain.
Coach: Did you review the Prep Course prior to attending the course? If so, how often did you study?
Merchant: Yes, I did review the Prep Course prior to attending the course. Although I had the best of intentions to start studying months before, I was unable to do so due to my workload and other commitments. I started focusing in earnest about 2-3 weeks before when I felt I had to cram for an exam, during that time, I studied a few hours per day during the week and 10-12 hours each day on Saturdays and Sundays. I don’t recommend this.
Coach: In what ways do you feel that your new CFE credential will be beneficial to you in your current profession?
Merchant: It provides me with the proper training and accreditation that is often required. Although I’ve been doing investigations for a long time, the question about certifications is often asked.
Coach: Would you recommend this course to your colleagues?
Merchant: Absolutely! I highly recommend it. I think the tests would’ve been much more difficult without the course.
Coach: How did you become passionate about fighting fraud?
Merchant: That’s an interesting question. I “fell into it” and the more I learned, the more passionate I became.
Coach: Now that we know what you do professionally, what do you like to do for fun and what do you find enjoyable about it?
Merchant: I love to scrapbook (the old-fashioned way, not digitally). It’s relaxing and a way to relive memories while finding ways to creatively memorialize them. It’s something completely different from my job. I also enjoy reading and working out.
Coach: Do you have any study tips or suggestions for aspiring CFEs?
Merchant: Review the material often, take the Practice Exams as many time as you can and don’t be shy about approaching the instructors and classmates with questions.